Refresh2 MethodRefresh2 Method*

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Refresh2 Method


Reloads the page currently displayed in the WebBrowser control. Unlike the Refresh method, this method contains a parameter that specifies the refresh level.


object.Refresh2 [Level]

objectRequired. An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
LevelOptional. A constant or value that specifies the refresh level. It can be one of the following constants or values.
Constant Value Meaning
REFRESH_NORMAL 0 Perform a lightweight refresh that does not include sending the HTTP "pragma:nocache" header to the server.
REFRESH_IFEXPIRED 1 Perform a lightweight refresh if the page has expired.
REFRESH_COMPLETELY 3 Perform a full refresh that includes sending a "pragma:nocache" header to the server (HTTP URLs only).


The "pragma:nocache" header tells the server not to return a cached copy. This ensures that the information is as fresh as possible. Browsers typically send this header when the user selects refresh, but the header can cause problems for some servers.

Applies To

InternetExplorer, WebBrowser

See Also

Quit, Refresh, Stop

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