InternetExplorer ObjectInternetExplorer Object*

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InternetExplorer Object


The InternetExplorer object controls a remote instance of the Internet Explorer application through OLE Automation.


AddressBar, Application, Busy, Container, Document, FullName, FullScreen, Height, HWND, Left, LocationName, LocationURL, MenuBar, Name, Offline, Parent, Path, ReadyState, RegisterAsBrowser, RegisterAsDropTarget, Resizable, Silent, StatusBar, StatusText, TheaterMode, ToolBar, Top, TopLevelContainer, Type, Visible, Width


ClientToWindow, ExecWB, GetProperty, GoBack, GoForward, GoHome, GoSearch, Navigate, Navigate2, PutProperty, QueryStatusWB, Quit, Refresh, Refresh2, ShowBrowserBar, Stop


BeforeNavigate2, CommandStateChange, DocumentComplete, DownloadBegin, DownloadComplete, NavigateComplete2, NewWindow2, OnFullScreen, OnMenuBar, OnQuit, OnStatusBar, OnTheaterMode, OnToolBar, OnVisible, ProgressChange, PropertyChange, StatusTextChange, TitleChange

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