WebBrowser ObjectWebBrowser Object*

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WebBrowser Object


The WebBrowser object adds browsing capabilities to your applications. Applications hosting this ActiveX™ Control will support browsing sites on the World Wide Web, as well as directories on the local computer and on network servers.


AddressBar ,Application, Busy, Container, Document, FullScreen, Height, Left, LocationName, LocationURL, MenuBar, Offline, Parent, ReadyState, RegisterAsBrowser, RegisterAsDropTarget, Resizable, Silent, StatusBar, StatusText, TheaterMode, ToolBar, Top, TopLevelContainer, Type, Visible, Width


ExecWB, GoBack, GoForward, GoHome, GoSearch, Navigate, Navigate2, Quit, Refresh, Refresh2, ShowBrowserBar, Stop


BeforeNavigate2, CommandStateChange, DocumentComplete, DownloadBegin, DownloadComplete, NavigateComplete2, NewWindow2, OnFullScreen, OnMenuBar, OnStatusBar, OnTheaterMode, OnToolBar, OnVisible, ProgressChange, StatusTextChange, TitleChange

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