Opening the STATION LPI Connection

After receiving a Request-Open-Station (RQOS) message, the local node sends an Open(STATION) message to the SNALink when:

The Open(STATION) Request contains the link index that was on the Open(LINK) Request. This field is used to correlate the LINK and STATION LPI connections for SNALinks that support multiple connections, such as X.25, 802.2, and channel.

This Open(STATION) Request contains configuration data for the link station, such as the SDLC address of the adjacent link station (0x00 for secondary stations, 0x01 to 0xFE for primary stations).

The SNALink should use this address field for determining the local station's role. If it is set to 0x00, the local station is a secondary. Otherwise, the local station is primary. This field has this meaning even when the address is not used because of the link type (such as 802.2).

See Open(STATION) Request for the format of this message.

If the station cannot be initialized (perhaps due to a lack of resources), the SNALink responds with an Open(STATION) Error Response containing the appropriate error code.