Modifying Publications and Articles

You modify an existing publication or article in a manner similar to the way you create a new publication or article. However, you cannot modify a publication or article that has an existing subscription. Before modifying a publication or an article, you must drop all subscriptions. After modifying a publication or article, resubscribe all appropriate subscribers.

    To modify a publication and/or its articles
  1. From the Server Manager window, select a publication server.
  2. From the toolbar, choose the Manage Publications button.

    The Manage Publications dialog box appears.

  3. Choose a database's "" box to display its publications. Select a publication from the list, and then choose the Change button.

    The Edit Publications dialog box appears.

    Modify the publication as necessary. For detailed information about the information you can change for a publication, see Creating Publications, earlier in this chapter.

  4. To modify an article, in the Edit Publications dialog box, select the Articles tab, select an article from the Articles in Publication list, choose the Edit button, and complete the Manage Articles dialog box that appears.

    For detailed information about the information you can change for an article, see Defining Articles, earlier in this chapter.