Working in Database Diagrams


You can perform two types of operations in database diagrams:

When you save a database diagram, your changes to the definitions of your database objects, as well as your changes to the graphical layout of your diagram, are saved in the dtproperties or MicrosoftDTProperties table of your database.

Modifying the Structure of Your Database Using Database Diagrams

You can create database diagrams of varying complexity, from diagrams that contain just one table to diagrams that contain hundreds of tables. When you first create a diagram, you are presented with a blank diagram surface to which you can add tables.

To See
Create a new database diagram for your project Creating a Database Diagram
Add tables to the database diagram, edit column properties, create relationships between tables, create indexes, constraints, stored procedures, and triggers Working with Database Objects
Update the database using database diagrams Controlling Database Changes

You interact with database diagrams by using commands available in menus and on the Database Designer toolbar:

Working with a Single Table in the Database Designer

When you want to work with only one table, you can either create a database diagram for that table or you can create a single-table diagram. When you create, open or design a table in the Tables folder, the table is shown in a single-table diagram.

In this single-table mode, you can define the properties of a new table, adding columns and column properties. When you save the new table, it is added to your database and to the Tables folder. You can then easily add this table to existing or new database diagrams.

Laying Out Tables Graphically Using Database Diagrams

You can perform a variety of diagramming operations in a database diagram without affecting the object definitions in your database. You can customize the appearance of your diagram to meet your development needs in the following ways:

To See
Arrange tables automatically Arranging Tables Automatically
Use the keyboard or mouse to move around in a diagram Navigating a Database Diagram
Change the size and shape of tables Changing a Table View and Adjusting the Table Size
Remove tables from the diagram without deleting them from the database Removing a Table from a Database Diagram
Change the magnification of a diagram, zoom to fit selected items in a diagram Zooming a Database Diagram
Print and preview your database diagram Printing and Previewing Database Diagrams
Open the Properties pages to edit properties for the objects in your diagram Setting Properties in a Database Diagram
Divide and merge diagrams to make managing parts of the database easier Subdividing a Database Diagram and Merging Subdiagrams into a Master Diagram
Select and move tables and relationship lines in a diagram Selecting Multiple Objects in a Database Diagram

These operations affect the appearance of your diagram, but they do not affect the structure of your database.