You can move a selection and leave the space empty or you can move a copy of the selection and leave the original data.
To move a selection by cutting it from a layer and leaving a transparent area or area of background color, do one of the following:
Drag the selection with one of the selection tools (Selection, Freehand, or Magic Wand tool).
Hold down Shift and press any of the arrow keys to move the selection 1 pixel.
Hold down Shift and Ctrl and press any of the arrow keys to move the selection 10 pixels. You can also move the selection 10 pixels by holding down either Shift and pressing the Page Up (to move up), Page Down (to move down), Home (to move left), or End (to move right) keys.
Hold down the Shift and Ctrl keys and then press the Page Up, Page Down, Home, or End keys to move the selection 100 pixels.
To move a selection by creating a copy of it and leaving the original data intact, do one of the following:
Hold down Alt while using one of the selection tools (Selection, Freehand, or Magic Wand tool) to drag the selection.
Hold down Ctrl and press one of the arrow keys to move the selection 1 pixel.
Hold down Ctrl and press the Page Up, Page Down, Home, or End keys to move the selection 10 pixels.
You can move the selection marquee using these methods:
With the current selection tool, place the cursor inside the marquee, hold down the right mouse button, and drag the marquee; or
Choose the Move
tool , place the cursor inside the marquee, hold down the
right mouse button, and drag the mouse.
Converting a Selection into a Layer