A selection can be either standard (non-floating raster selections) or floating. A standard selection is part of a layer or image. When you edit a standard selection, you modify the image itself. Standard selections are what you create when you use the Selection, Freehand, and Magic Wand tools.
A floating selection temporarily rests above the image or layer. The
Layer palette displays a Floating Selection icon to indicate
that the layer contains a floating selection.
Floating applies to raster selections only. Selections are automatically floated when you do one of the following:
Move a selection with one of the selection tools (Selection, Freehand, or Magic Wand tool).
Paste a selection by choosing Edit > Paste > As New Selection.
Select the Floating option when creating text.
Floating selections are automatically defloated to the nearest raster layer, or promoted to a raster layer, when you deselect the selection, create a new selection, or add to or subtract from the selection. As a result, much of the time you do not have to be aware of whether a selection is floating or standard—Paint Shop Pro takes care of it for you.
However, you can also float a selection using the Float command, which creates a copy of the selection that you can move or modify without changing the original image. When you finish editing the floating selection, use the Defloat command to defloat it.
To float a selection:
Make a pixel selection in the image using the Selection, Freehand, or Magic Wand tools.
Choose Selections > Float or press Ctrl + F.
To defloat a selection:
Choose Selections > Defloat or press Ctrl +Shift + F.
Converting a Selection into a Layer
Creating Custom Patterns from Selections