Using Edit Selection

Use the Edit Selection command to create a selection from a brush stroke, or to apply an effect to only the selection marquee.

To create a selection:

  1. Choose Selection > Edit Selection, or click the Edit Selection but­ton on the Layers palette. A selection layer is added to the Layer palette.

  2. Select a painting tool from the Tools toolbar. For more informa­tion, see Painting.

  3. Set the options for the painting tool in the Tool Options palette and the Brush Variance palette.

  4. Paint on the image. A ruby-colored overlay displays the brush strokes. Note the following:

  5. Painting with black will add to the selection.

  6. Painting with white will subtract from the selection.

  7. Painting with shades of grey will add to or subtract from the selection depending on the grey level.

  1. Choose Selection > Edit Selection, or click the Edit Selection but­ton on the Layers palette. The selection marquee displays the selected area.

To apply tools and effects to the selection marquee:

  1. Make a selection on the image. See Using the Selection Tools.

  2. Choose Selection > Edit Selection, or click the Edit Selection button on the Layers palette. A ruby overlay displays in the selected area.

  3. Apply a tool or effect to the selection area. For more information, see Painting, or Applying Effects.

  1. When finished editing the selection, choose Selection > Edit Selection to display the selection marquee.

  2. To turn off the selection, choose Selections > Select None. To turn off the selection marquee but retain the selection itself, choose Selections > Hide Marquee.


Related Topics

Converting a Selection into a Layer

Adjusting Selection Borders

Creating Custom Patterns from Selections

Moving Selections within an Image

Working with Standard and Floating Selections