The Art Eraser tool lets you erase art media from the
image. Specifically, it erases mass where there is some, and color where
there is not mass. While this tool is not strictly realistic, it does
provide important flexibility to the Art Media tool set, allowing you
to erase mistakes progressively rather than requiring an entire stroke
to be undone.
Art Eraser tool options include:
Shape: Choices include Round or Square.
Size: Defines the size of the tool head in pixels. Note that you can also adjust the Size setting via the keyboard.
Thickness: Defines the aspect ratio of the tool head.
Rotation: Defines the angle of head rotation in degrees
Head Tracking: Controls whether the brush head bends around the path of the user’s stroke, or remains at a fixed angle.
Like other Paint Shop Pro tools, the Art Eraser tool comes with presets. To use a preset:
In the Tool Options palette, click the Presets button. This displays a list of preset styles.
From the list, choose the desired tool preset.