Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - Digital Signatures

XML Digital Signature Methods

[This feature was first implemented for MSXML 5.0.]

This section describes the following methods for XML digital signatures.

createKeyFromCertContext Creates and returns a key handle from a certificate context as defined in CryptoAPI. Both the private and public keys are accessible through the resultant key handle.
createKeyFromCSP Retrieves a key handle from a key container within a specified Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP). This key handle is used to access the private key used for signing or the public key for signature verification.
createKeyFromHMACSecret Extracts and returns a key handle from a base-64 encoded secret value used in the HMAC algorithm. This key handle is used to access a key that can be used for both signing and signature verification.
createKeyFromHMACSecretBinary Creates and returns a key handle from an unencoded binary secret value used in an HMAC algorithm. The key accessible through this handle may be used for signing and verifying an XML document or fragment.
createKeyFromNode Creates and returns a key handle based on the information contained in the <ds:KeyInfo> element and its descendant elements (<ds:KeyInfo> is a child of a <ds:Signature> element). The key handle is used to access the key that is used for signature verification.
createSAXProxy Creates and returns a SAX proxy object. The setReferenceData method uses this object to assign a SAX stream as the new data source of the signature object or template.
getCSPHandle Retrieves the handle to the cryptographic service provider resulted from calling the IXMLDigitalSignature::createKeyFromCSP method.
getStoreHandle Gets a handle to the certificate store from which the certificate can be retrieved and validated.
getVerifyingCertificate Retrieves the certificate associated with this key that is used in signature verification.
getVerifyingCertficateContext Retrieves the certificate context associated with this key.
setDebugOutput Sets the target for debug output.
setReferenceData Assigns a new data source to a specified <ds:Reference> element in a signature object.
setStoreHandle Sets a certificate store handle on the signature object, so that certificate information can be inserted into the <ds:KeyInfo> element.
sign Signs data referenced in a <ds:Signature> element.
verify Verifies the signature of a data referenced in the <ds:Signature> element.