Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - DOM Reference

Second-level DOM Properties

Second-level DOM properties are properties that are manipulated through the setProperty or getProperty method on the DOM. The following is a complete list of second-level DOM properties.

Property Variant Type Default Value MXSML Component
AllowDocumentFunction Boolean True in MSXML 4.0 and earlier.
False in MSXML 5.0 and later.
3.0 SP4, 4.0 SP2 and later**
ForcedResync Boolean True 3.0 SP3, 4.0 SP1, 5.0 and later
MaxXMLSize Integer 0 for MSXML 4.0 and earlier.
10MB in later versions.
3.0 SP4, 4.0 SP2 and later***
MultipleErrorMessages Boolean False 5.0 and later
NewParser Boolean False 4.0 and later
ResolveExternals Boolean True 5.0 and later*
SelectionLanguage String "XPath" 3.0 and later
SelectionNamespaces String "" 3.0 and later
ServerHTTPRequest Boolean False 3.0 and later
UseInlineSchema Boolean True 5.0 and later
ValidateOnParse Boolean True 5.0 and later*

(*) The feature of this property is also available as a first-level property prior to MSXML 5.0.

(**) Implementation changes have been made in MSXML 5.0 and later. The new implementation of the AllowDocumentFunction property in MSXML 5.0 is a work in progress.

(***) This property is not supported in MSXML 5.0.


The preceding table shows the properties that you can set using the setProperty method. White space is not stripped or normalized in property names or values.

To set a second-level property on a DOM object, use the setProperty method as shown in the following JScript snippet:

domObj.setProperty('ValidateOnParse', false);

In contrast, first-level properties are exposed directly on the DOM. To set a first-level property, assign a value directly, as shown in the following JScript snippet:

domObj.validateOnParse = false;