ASCII characters = Yes

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Encoded drawing characters can produce prettier-looking output tables.



use ASCII characters (the standard) for drawing table boxes.


use HTML characters for drawing table boxes, output to web browser.


use HTML characters for drawing table boxes, output to Microsoft Word (or equivalent).


use MS-DOS box characters for drawing table boxes.


ASCII=Yes (displays in your text editor)

Microsoft Word compatible fonts: Letter Gothic Line, Lucida Console, Consolas, Courier New, SImPL, SimSUN, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Crystal, Onuava, Andale Mono.


In Microsoft Word, your Table may look ragged:


1. Courier New font

2. Replace all spaces with non-breaking spaces ^s


ASCII=Webpage (displays in your web browser)

Microsoft Word compatible fonts: Courier New, Lucida Console, Andale Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono

WEBFONT= sets the font priority.


ASCII=Doc (displays in Microsoft Word or equivalent)

Microsoft Word compatible fonts: Courier New, Lucida Console, Andale Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono

WEBFONT= sets the font priority.


ASCII=No (displays in your text editor)

Microsoft Word compatible font: Letter Gothic Line, MS Line Draw.


Example 1: use ASCII=Webpage to make a prettier table box:

i) Do a standard Winsteps analysis.


ii) In the Specification box, enter



iii) Use the Output Tables menu to produce a Table.

It will display as a Webpage.

The font shown here is Lucida Console



Example 2: use ASCII=No to make a prettier table box:

i) Do a standard Winsteps analysis.

ii) In the Specification box, enter


iii) Use the Output Tables menu to produce a Table.

It will look wrong. The border characters are not the usual ones. They are the MS-DOS drawing characters.

iv) Change the type face to display correctly:

Select All (Ctrl+A)


Font: Letter Gothic Line

Size: 10



To make permanent (default) changes in Notepad font face and/or size:

Windows "Start"

Click on "Run"

Type in "regedit"

Click on "OK"

Registry Editor:

Click on the + in front of "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"

Click on the + in front of "Software"

Click on the + in front of "Microsoft"

Click on "Notepad"

For the type face:

Double-click on "IfFaceName"

Type in "Courier New" (or "Letter Gothic Line")

Click on "OK"

For the font size:

Double-click on "iPointSize"

Click on "Decimal"

Type in 80 (for point-size 8 multiplied by 10)

Click on "OK"


Close registry

Click on top right