Output Table Index

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Click on the Table name to go to the Table description:

Table 36. Person KIDMAPsTable 34. Control variable listTable 35. Person paired-agreementweightingData SetupGraphsExcel/RSSSTPlotsSpecificationHelpBatchOutput FilesOutput TablesRequest subtablesTable 28Table 27Table 33Table 31Table 30Table 7.2Table 19.3Table 18.3Table 17.3Table 7.2.1Table 24Table 16Table 4Table 5Table 7.1Table 19Table 18Table 17Table 6Table 23Table 12Table 8Table 9Table 11Table 25Table 15Table 14Table 13Table 10Table 22Table 29Table 21Table 20Table 3.1Table 2.5Table 2.2Table 1Table 2.(all)Table 3.2Click on Table name






Maps of person and item measures. Show Rasch measures.

1.0 One page map with names.

1.1 Map of distributions - persons and items

1.2 Item labels with person distribution (squeezed onto one page)

1.3 Person labels with item distribution (squeezed onto one page)

1.4 Rating scale or partial credit map of distributions: persons with items at high, mean, low

1.10 One page map with person names by measure, item names by easiness.

1.12 Item labels, by easiness, with person distribution (squeezed onto one page)


Measures and responses plots. Response categories for each item, listed in measure order, plotted against person measures, shown as modal categories, expected values and cumulative probabilities.

Table 2 for multiple-choice items.


By observed categories

2.6 Observed average measures of persons (empirical averages)


By scored categories (illustrated by an observed category code for each score)

2.1 Modal categories (most probable)

2.2 Mean categories (average or expected: Rasch-half-point thresholds)

2.3 Median categories (cumulative probabilities: Rasch-Thurstone thresholds)

2.4 Structure calibrations (Rasch model parameters: rating scale, partial credit, "restricted", "unrestricted": Rasch-Andrich thresholds)

2.5 Observed average measures of persons for scored categories (empirical averages)

2.7 Expected average measures of persons


By category scores (if category scores differ from category codes in the data):

Table 2.11 shown after Table 2.1, Table 2.12 after Table 2.2 etc.

2.11 Modal categories (most probable)

2.12 Mean categories (average or expected: Rasch-half-point thresholds)

2.13 Median categories (cumulative probabilities: Rasch-Thurstone thresholds)

2.14 Structure calibrations (Rasch model parameters: rating scale, partial credit, "restricted", "unrestricted")

2.15 Observed average measures of persons for scored categories (empirical averages)

2.16 Observed average measures of persons for observed categories (empirical averages)

2.17 Expected average measures of persons


Summary statistics. Person, item, and category measures and fit statistics.

3.1 Summaries of person and items: means, S.D.s, separation, reliability.

3.2 Summary of rating categories and probability curves.


Person infit plot. Person infits plotted against person measures.

4.1 Person infit vs. person measure plot.


Person outfit plot. Person outfits plotted against person measures.

5.1 Person outfit vs. person measure plot.

5.2 Person infit vs. person outfit plot.


Person statistics - fit order. Misfitting person list. Scalogram of unexpected responses.

6.1 Table of person measures in descending order of misfit. (Specify FITP=0 to list all persons)

6.2 Chart of person measures, infit mean-squares and outfit mean-squares. (Chart=Yes)

6.4 Scalogram of most misfitting person response strings.

6.5 Scalogram of most unexpected responses.

6.6 Most unexpected responses list.


Misfitting Persons. Lists response details for persons with t standardized fit greater than FITP=.

7.1 Response strings for most misfitting persons.

7.2-... KeyForms of responses of misfitting persons.


Item infit plot. Item infits plotted against item calibrations.

8.1 Item infit vs. item measure plot.


Item outfit plot. Item outfits plotted against item calibrations.

9.1 Item outfit vs. item measure plot.

9.2 Item infit vs. item outfit plot


Item statistics - fit order. Misfitting item list with option counts. Scalogram of unexpected responses.

10.1 Table of item measures in descending order of misfit. (Specify FITI=0 to list all persons)

10.2 Chart of item measures, infit mean-squares and outfit mean-squares. (Chart=Yes)

10.3 Item response-structure categories/options/distractors: counts and average abilities. (Distractors=Yes)

10.4 Scalogram of most misfitting item response strings.

10.5 Scalogram of most unexpected responses.

10.6 Most unexpected responses list.


Misfitting Items. Response details for items with t standardized fit greater than FITI=.

11.1 Response strings for most misfitting items.


Item distribution map with full labels for items and an person distribution.

12.2 Item labels with person distribution (same as 1.2)

12.5 Item labels with expected score zones

12.6 Item labels with 50% cumulative probabilities

12.12 Item labels, by easiness, with person distribution (same as 1.12)


Item statistics - measure order list and graph with category/option/distractor counts.

13.1 Table of items in descending measure order.

13.2 Chart of item measures, infit mean-squares and outfit mean-squares. (Chart=Yes)

13.3 Item response-structure categories/options/distractors: counts and average abilities. (Distractors=Yes)


Item statistics - entry order list and graph with category/option/distractor counts.

14.1 Table of items in entry number (sequence) order.

14.2 Chart of item measures, infit mean-squares and outfit mean-squares. (Chart=Yes)

14.3 Item response-structure categories/options/distractors: counts and average abilities. (Distractors=Yes)


Item statistics - alphabetical order list and graph with category/option/distractor counts.

15.1 Table of item measures in alphabetical order by label. (Specify ISORT= for sort column)

15.2 Chart of item measures, infit mean-squares and outfit mean-squares. (Chart=Yes)

15.3 Item response-structure categories/options/distractors: counts and average abilities. (Distractors=Yes)


Person distribution map with full labels for persons and an item distribution.

16.3 Person labels with item distribution (same as 1.3)


Person statistics - measure order list and chart.

17.1 Table of persons in descending measure order.

17.2 Chart of person measures, infit mean-squares and outfit mean-squares. (Chart=Yes)

17.3-... KeyForms of responses of persons.


Person statistics - entry order list and chart.

18.1 Table of persons in entry number (sequence) order.

18.2 Chart of person measures, infit mean-squares and outfit mean-squares. (Chart=Yes)

18.3-... KeyForms of responses of persons.


Person statistics - alphabetical order list and chart.

19.1 Table of person measures in alphabetical order by label. (Specify PSORT= for sort column)

19.2 Chart of person measures, infit mean-squares and outfit mean-squares. (Chart=Yes)

19.3-... KeyForms of responses of persons.


Measures for all scores on a test of all calibrated items, with percentiles.

20.1 Table of person measures for every score on complete test. (Specify ISELECT= for subtests).

20.2 Table of measures for every score, with sample percentiles and norm-referenced measures.

20.3 Table of item difficulty measures (calibrations) for every score (proportion-correct-values or average ratings) by complete sample.


Category probability curves. Category probabilities plotted against the difference between person and item measures, then the expected score and cumulative probability and expected score ogives. See also Graphs menu

21.1 Category probability curves (modes, structure calibrations).

21.2 Expected score ogive (means. model Item Characteristic Curve).

21.3 Cumulative category probability curves (medians, shows 50% cumulative probabilities).


Sorted observations. Data sorted by person and item measures into scalogram patterns.

22.1 Guttman scalogram of sorted scored responses.

22.2 Guttman scalogram showing out-of-place responses.

22.3 Guttman scalogram showing original responses.


Item principal components/contrasts. Identifies structure in response residuals (BIGSTEPS Table: 10.3)

23.0 Scree plot of variance components.

23.1 23.99 Tables of items with highly correlated residuals.

23.2 Plot of loadings on first contrast in residuals vs. item measures.

23.3 Items in contrast loading order.

23.4 Persons exhibiting contrast.

23.5 Items in measure order.

23.6 Items in entry order.

23.7 etc. Subsequent contrasts.

23.99 Tables of items with highly correlated residuals.


Person principal components/contrasts. Identifies structure in residuals (not in BIGSTEPS)

24.0 Scree plot of variance components.

24.1 24.99 Tables of persons with highly correlated residuals.

24.2 Plot of loadings on first contrast in residuals vs. person measures.

24.3 Persons in contrast loading order.

24.4 Items exhibiting contrast.

24.5 Persons in measure order.

24.6 Persons in entry order.

24.7 etc. Subsequent contrasts.

24.99 Tables of persons with highly correlated residuals.


Item statistics - displacement order list and graph with category/option/distractor counts.

25.1 Table of items in descending displacement order.

25.2 Chart of item measures, infit mean-squares and outfit mean-squares. (Chart=Yes)

25.3 Item response-structure categories/options/distractors: counts and average abilities. (Distractors=Yes)


Item statistics - correlation order list and graph with category/option/distractor counts.

26.1 Table of items in ascending correlation order (Point-biserial, if PTBIS=Yes, else Point-measure).

26.2 Chart of item measures, infit mean-squares and outfit mean-squares.

26.3 Item response-structure categories/options/distractors: counts and average abilities.


Item subtotals.

27.1 Measure sub-totals, controlled by ISUBTOT=

27.2 Measure sub-totals bar charts, controlled by ISUBTOT=

27.3 Measure sub-totals summary statistics, controlled by ISUBTOT=


Person subtotals.

28.1 Measure sub-totals, controlled by PSUBTOT=

28.2 Measure sub-totals bar charts, controlled by PSUBTOT=

28.3 Measure sub-totals summary statistics, controlled by PSUBTOT=


Empirical item character curves and response frequency plots.

29.1 Expected and Empirical ICCs (see also Graph Menu)
Empirical category code frequencies


Differential Item Function across Person classifications

30.1 DIF report (paired), controlled by DIF=

30.2 DIF report (measure list: person class within item)

30.3 DIF report (measure list: item within person class)

30.4 DIF report (item-by-person class chi-squares, between-class fit)

30.5 Within-class fit report (person class within item)

30.6 Within-class fit report item within person class)


Differential Person Function across Item classifications

31.1 DPF report (paired), controlled by DPF=

31.2 DPF report (measure list: item class within person)

31.3 DPF report (measure list: person within item class)

31.4 DPF report (person by item-class chi-squares, between-class fit)

31.5 Within-class fit report (item class within person)

31.6 Within-class fit report person class within item)


Control Variable Listing of the current settings of all Winsteps control variables - appears on the Output Files pull-down menu.


Differential Group Function: Item Class vs. Person Class interaction/bias

33.1 DGF report (paired person classes on each item class), controlled by DIF= and DPF=

33.2 DGF report (paired item classes on each person class)

33.3 DGF report (list of person classes within item class)

33.4 DPF report (list of item classes within person class)


File Comparison (Plot menu)

34.1 Column comparison of two statistics (and Excel scatterplot)


Paired Comparison of Person Response Strings

35.1.1 % Same (paired student) observed responses

35.1.2 % Same (paired student) scored responses

35.1.3 % Same (paired student) observed highest (right) responses

35.1.4 % Same (paired student) observed lowest (wrong) responses

35.1.5 % Same (paired student) missing responses


Person PKMAP Plots

36 PKMAPS of persons



Control Variables and Convergence report. Lists the control variables and shows estimation convergence. (Only appears at end of Output Report File).

0.0 Title page

0.1 Analysis identification

0.2 Convergence table

0.3 Control file