HLINES= heading lines in output files = Yes

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To facilitate importing the IFILE=, PFILE=, SFILE= and XFILE= files into spreadsheet and database programs, the heading lines can be omitted from the output files.


HLINES=Y  Include heading lines in the output files (the standard)

  In IFILE= and PFILE=, specifying HLINES=Y also puts ";" at the start of missing, deleted and extreme lines.

  For simulated data files, SIFILE=, HLINES=Y puts the person generating value in each data line.

HLINES=N  Omit heading lines.


Example: I want a tab-separated score-to-measure file, without the column headings:





0 -6.46 1.83 .28 217 85 1 2.9 1 2.9 1

1 -5.14 1.08 .81 278 50 0 .0 1 2.9 3

2 -4.22 .86 1.29 321 40 1 2.9 2 5.7 4


with column headings, HLINES=YES, the standard:





0 -6.46 1.83 .28 217 85 1 2.9 1 2.9 1