TRPOFILE= transposing the data matrix

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To transpose the rows and columns of the data matrix, select Transpose on the Output Files menu or include TRPOFILE= in your control file. Details are given at Transpose file specifications.


TRPOFILE= file name. This is the name of the transposed file.

This operates in assocation with TRPOTYPE= control characters. This controls what is written to the transposed file.


TRPOFILE=? opens a Browse window


Example 1: You want to "rack" the data in exam12lo.txt and exam12hi.txt, so that each person record contains the ratings from both files:


1. Analyze exam12.txt with data=exam12lo.txt

Tranpose the data file only to exam12lod.txt

The "lo" items are now rows


2. Analyze exam12.txt with data=exam12hi.txt

Tranpose the data only to exam12hid.txt

The "hi" items are now rows

Transpose the control file only to exam12tran.txt

The person labels are now shown as item labels


3. Analyze exam12tran.txt with data=exam12lod.txt+exam12hid.txt

The columns are the original persons. The rows are all the original items, "lo" and "hi".

Tranpose the control and data file to exam12rack.txt

The persons return to the rows.

The columns are now all the original items, "lo" and "hi".


4. Analyze exam12rack.txt with Winsteps. This is the desired control and data file.


Example 2: We want to see if one group of persons have a different response "style" than another group of persons on a 6-category rating scale. To do this,
1. Transpose the Winsteps control-and-data file so that the rows become columns: Winsteps output file menu: Transpose.
2. In the transposed Winsteps control-and-data file,
GROUPS = 12112111.... to match the person groups.
3. Save the transposed file and analyze it with Winsteps.
4. Look at Table 3.2. There will be one rating scale for Group 1 and another rating scale for Group 2.