TRPOTYPE= transposing specifications |
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TRPOTYPE= controls the format of the transposed file written to TRPOFILE=. Details are given at Transpose file specifications.
Tranposing switches around the rows and the columns in the Winsteps control and data file.
TRPOTYPE= has three characters:
First Character: The response-level data are:
O = Original data: data codes are those in the data file.
S = Scored data: data after applying NEWSCORE=, IVALUE=, KEY=, etc.
R = Recounted data: the data recounted upwards from 0 after applying STKEEP=No, etc.
Second Character: Deleted and deselect persons and items are: (IDFILE=, IDELETE=, ISELECT=, PDFILE=, PDELETE=, PSELECT=)
S = Squeezed out: deleted and deselected items and persons are omitted from the transposed file.
M = Missing data: deleted and deslected items and persons remain in the transposed file, but all their responses are indicated as missing data, "."
Third Character: Output:
B = Both Control and Data file: the transposed file can be analyzed. Additional control instructions may be required in the control section in order for the analysis to proceed correctly.
C = Control file only: Only the control file for the transposed data is output. The transposed data are not output.
D = Data file only: Only the transposed data are output. The control instructions are not.
Example: Transpose the multiple choice data after rescoring.
TRPOFILE = transposed-file.txt
TRPOTYPE = SMD ; Scored data, Missing data codes for deletions, Data only