Recombing the Helmet Crest of Hair

In this lesson you'll learn how to style the hair using the Recomb From Splines tool.

  1. Continue from the previous lesson or open recomb_helmet.max.
  2. Before you begin to draw the splines, turn on the Snaps Toggle (press S) so that the start of the splines begin at the roots of the hair. Also, right-click the Snaps Toggle button to open the Grid And Snaps Settings dialog, and on the Snaps panel, turn off Grid Points and turn on Face. Close the dialog with the X button in the upper-right corner.

  3. Starting at the front of the helmet, draw Line splines away from the head as illustrated below. Hair requires that all the splines are part of the same object, so after you draw the first spline, turn off the Start New Shape check box on the Object Type rollout.

    Spline object to use for recombing

  4. Select the Line object to make sure all the splines are part of the same object. If they are not, select the first line, go to the Modify panel, and at the Spline sub-object level, use Attach to attach the other lines.
  5. Select the Helmet object, and on the Tools rollout, click Recomb From Splines. In a viewport, click the spline object.

    The hair now follows the shape of the splines.


Adding Facial Hair to the Centurion