Adding the Caps Using AutoGrid

The AutoGrid option lets you create an object aligned to the surface of another one. For this part of the exercise, you'll use AutoGrid to create a cap for the top of the hourglass.

  1. Click Arc Rotate, and then drag the cursor around in the viewport so that the top part of the hourglass is clearly visible.
  2. Choose Create > Extended Primitives > Chamfer Cylinder.

    The Extended Primitives category, like Standard Primitives, is a collection of 3D geometrical objects built into 3ds Max that you can create with a few clicks. These objects tend to be more complex than the standard primitives. For example, the Chamfer Cylinder primitive is similar to a standard cylinder, but gives you the additional option of fillets at the caps, so that the circular edges appear to be filed off.

  3. At the top of Object Type rollout on the Create panel, turn on AutoGrid.
  4. Move your cursor over the top of the hourglass. A small tripod should appear, which follows your mouse. Drag outward to set the radius of the Chamfer Cylinder, and then release the mouse button and continue dragging upward to set the height and chamfer.

    Use AutoGrid to create one object on the surface of another.

  5. On the Parameters rollout, set Fillet to 1.

    Next, you need to align the Chamfer Cylinder so that it is centered over the hourglass.

  6. Make sure the Chamfer Cylinder is still selected. From the Tools menu choose Align, then click the Cylinder (the hourglass object) in the Perspective viewport.
  7. In the Align Selection dialog, turn on X Position and Y Position, then click OK.

    The Cylinder Cap is now centered over the top of the hourglass shape.

  8. In the Parameters rollout, adjust the radius so there is room for the posts. Try a Radius of 26. Depending on how you scaled the FFD controls, you might need to change the radius.

    Add the cap of the hourglass using Chamfer Cylinder.

    Although you can repeat the process to create the bottom cap, we'll use a simpler method.

  9. Select the Chamfer cylinder, then on the Tools menu, choose Mirror.
  10. On the Mirror dialog, in the Clone Selection group, turn on Instance. Set the Mirror Axis to Z, and use the spinner to adjust the Offset to –60. Click OK.

    Create a clone by using Mirror with Offset.

  11. Choose File > Save As to save your work as MyHourglass2.max.


Adding the Posts Using Hose Objects