Adding a Second Glow to the Explosion

Next, you’ll add a glowing effect to the light inside the asteroid to give the blast added realism.


Add a glow effect:

  1. Choose Rendering > Effects, and highlight Lens Effects in the Effects list.
  2. On the Lens Effects Parameters rollout, choose Glow once again in the list window on the left and click the right-pointing arrow.

  3. Highlight the second Glow in the right-hand window and scroll down to the Glow Element rollout.
  4. Name this glow effect blast.

Adjust the glow settings:

  1. In the Lens Effects Globals rollout, turn on Pick Light.
  2. Press H, and use the dialog to select inside asteroid light.

    The light’s name is now displayed in the text field.

  3. On the Glow Element rollout, open the Options panel.
  4. In the Apply Element To group, turn on Lights. Turn off Image and Image Centers, if activated.
  5. Go to the Parameters panel, and set Occlusion to 0.0.

    This allows you to see the glow through the explosion planes in the scene.

  6. Turn off Glow Behind.
  7. In the Radial Color group, change the swatch on the right to an orange color (R:242, G:150, B:0).
  8. In the Glow Element > Parameters panel, set the Size to 30.0.
  9. Set the Intensity to 50.

Preview the effect:

  1. Go to frame 25 and activate the Camera01 viewport.
  2. Scroll up to the Effects rollout. Click Update Scene to see the results.

  3. Close the rendered frame window and the Rendering Effects dialog.


Animating the Explosion's Glow