Cloning the Explosion Plane

In this topic, you’ll make a copy of the explosion plane, and set the copy in front of the asteroid. With two planes, the asteroid appears to be in the middle of the explosion, rather than in front of it.

Clone the explosion plane:

  1. If it's not already selected, select Explosion Plane01. Press the Spacebar to lock your selection.
  2. In the Top viewport, right-click the plane and choose Move from the quad menu.
  3. On the toolbar, open the Reference Coordinates System list, and choose Local.

    This will let you move the plane parallel to itself.

  4. Hold down SHIFT and drag a copy of Explosion Plane01 in the Z axis. Position the plane so it is in front of the asteroid.

    Planes as seen in Top Viewport

  5. A Clone options dialog is displayed. The program has automatically named the new plane Explosion Plane02. Leave the settings at their default, and click OK.
    NoteThe copy of the plane is now selected, and the Selection Lock Toggle automatically turns off.

Set the new plane's properties, and make a named selection set:

  1. Right-click the new plane and choose Object Properties. In the Display Properties group turn on See-Through. Click OK.

    The cloned explosion plane now lets you see through it in the viewport. This doesn't affect the rendering.

    See-through plane in camera viewport

  2. Select the two plane objects. In the Named Selection Sets field on the toolbar, type the name Explosions and press Enter.

    You can now reselect the two planes at any time by choosing this name from the Named Selection Sets drop-down list.

  3. Right-click the selected planes and choose Hide Selection from the quad menu.

    The two planes are hidden from view.

  4. Save your scene as myexplosion2.max.


Breaking the Asteroid into Flying Pieces with Particle Array