Synchronizing the Animated Maps

Here you’ll set the timing so the animated explosion doesn’t start until impact at frame 10.

Set the timing:

  1. Go to Material Editor > Maps rollout, and select the Diffuse map button, which is now identified as hercules.avi.
  2. Scroll down and open the Time rollout.
  3. Change the Start Frame setting to 10.
  4. In the End Condition group, choose Hold.
  5. In the Material Editor toolbar, click Go Forward To Sibling to navigate to the next map in the material. In this case, it’s the Opacity map.
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for the herculesm.avi opacity map.
  7. Close the Material Editor.
  8. Save your scene as myexplosion1.max.


Cloning the Explosion Plane