Creating a Plane for the Explosion

Now that the asteroid and laserblast are animated, it’s time to create the explosion that will blow it up.

There are several different ways you can create an explosion in 3ds Max. One technique is to use an animated map. This allows you to apply a movie of a real explosion to a simple planar object.


Create a plane:

  1. Move the time slider to frame 10 if it's not already there.
  2. Right-click to activate the Front viewport, and then press Alt+W on the keyboard to maximize the viewport.
  3. Use Zoom and Pan to navigate the viewport so the asteroid is in or near the center of the view.

  4. Go to the Create panel > Geometry > Standard Primitives category. On the Object Type rollout, click Plane.
  5. In the Front viewport, drag a plane over the asteroid.

    TipYou can turn off snaps by pressing the S key. This is handy for toggling the snaps settings when you are in the process of creating or moving an object.
  6. In the Name And Color rollout, change the name to Explosion Plane01.
  7. In the Parameters rollout, set the Length and Width of the plane to 300.0. Set the Length and Width Segs (segments) to 1.

    The size and complexity of the Plane update in the viewport.

  8. Right-click in the viewport, and press Alt+W to return to four viewports.
  9. Right-click the Top viewport to activate it, and move the plane along its Y axis so it's behind the asteroid.

    Moving the plane in the top viewport

  10. Right-click the Camera viewport to activate it without losing the selection of the plane.

    Plane in camera viewport

  11. In the Tools menu, choose Align To View.
  12. In the Align To View dialog, make sure Align Z is chosen, and click OK.

    The plane is now aligned to the Camera view.

    Plane aligned to view


Creating a Material for the Explosion