Animating the Asteroid

Now you’ll animate the asteroid so it tumbles before it’s hit by the laserblast.

Animate the asteroid:

  1. Turn on Auto Key.
  2. Activate the Camera viewport and move the time slider to frame 0.
  3. Select And Move the asteroid down in the Z axis approximately −135 units, or until it is positioned just inside the camera’s view.

    Frame 0

  4. Right-click and choose Rotate from the quad menu. Rotate the asteroid at frame 0 on both the Y and Z axes approximately 30 degrees.
  5. Go to frame 10. Reposition the asteroid so it is in contact with the laserblast. Rotate the asteroid on both the Y and Z axes approximately –30 degrees.
  6. Turn off Auto Key.
  7. Play the animation.

    The asteroid now tumbles until it’s hit by the laser blast.

    Frame 10

  8. Save your work as myrotating_asteriod1.max.


Creating a Plane for the Explosion