Extract Data from Block Attributes
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ConceptProcedureQuick Reference

If you have attached attributes to blocks, you can then query one or more drawings for this block attribute information and save it to a table or to an external file.

Extracting attribute information is an easy way to produce a schedule or bill of materials directly from your drawing data. For example, a facilities drawing might contain blocks representing office equipment. If each block has attributes identifying the model and manufacturer of the equipment, you can generate a report that estimates the cost of the equipment.

The Data Extraction wizard guides you through selecting drawings, block instances, and attributes. The wizard can also create a file with a .dxe file extension that contains all the settings for later reuse.

Output to a Table

If you extract attribute data to a table, the table is inserted in the current drawing and current space (model space or paper space) and on the current layer.

When you update the table, the attribute information is extracted again and the data rows in the table are replaced. If you have included a title row or one or more header rows in the table, they are not replaced during the update.

NoteFor access to shortcut menus in the drawing area that are needed for editing and updating tables, the Shortcut Menus in Drawing Area must be checked in the Options dialog box, User Preferences tab.

Output to a File

If you save the data to an external file, the comma-separated (CSV), tab-separated (TXT), Microsoft Excel (XLS), and Microsoft Access (MDB) file formats are available.

When the characters period (.), comma (,), or pound sign (#) are written to an Excel or Access file, they are replaced with their Unicode representation.

See Also