IME pad settings

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Property setting

In the IME Pad Properties dialog box, you can customize IME pad interface, including whether to display the applet bar, basic buttons, or extended buttons, and their locations. You can also select the language to be used in IME pad menus and dialogs.

  1. On the title bar of IME pad, click display IME pad menu.
  2. Click IME Pad Properties.
  3. Select the desired options/settings, and then clcik OK.

Applet setting

There are four applets provided by traditional Chinese IME pad: Hand writing applet¡BStrokes applet¡BRadical applet and Symbols applet. More applets are available if other input methods are installed. Different applets can be used with the same IME Pad.

  1. On the title bar of IME pad, click display IME pad menu.
  2. Click Applet Menu.
  3. Click User Settings to open the Cusotmize Applet Menu dialog box.
  4. Change the order of current applets, or add/remove applets.