MeetingResponseStatus Property (Recipient Object)

The MeetingResponseStatus property returns or sets the status of this recipient's response to a meeting request. Read/write.



Data Type



A messaging user that has created an AppointmentItem object can turn it into a meeting by setting its MeetingStatus property to CdoMeeting and sending it to one or more recipients. That user can then monitor the responses with the MeetingResponseStatus property. The original appointment underlies the meeting and retains its Recipients collection, and the originating user can read the MeetingResponseStatus property of each Recipient in the collection to determine the current status of that recipient's response.

An AddressEntry object representing the originating messaging user is available through the appointment's Organizer property.

The MeetingResponseStatus property can have exactly one of the following values:


CdoResponseNone 0 Used by Microsoft® Outlook™ to indicate that this recipient has not responded to the meeting request.
CdoResponseNotResponded 5 This recipient has not responded to the meeting request.
CdoResponseAccepted 3 This recipient has responded to the meeting request with a firm acceptance.
CdoResponseDeclined 4 This recipient has responded to the meeting request with a declination.
CdoResponseTentative 2 This recipient has responded to the meeting request with a tentative acceptance.
CdoResponseOrganized 1 Used by Microsoft® Schedule+ to indicate that this recipient has not responded to the meeting request.

You can get the meeting status for the underlying AppointmentItem object from its MeetingResponseStatus property.