Ask Dr. GUI #30

(Remember, he's not a real doctor. He just plays one on CD.)

October 1996

Have a question? Dr. GUI's busy operating schedule won't allow this highly trained medical practitioner to answer all questions, but the Good Doctor will respond to as many as possible in the next release of the Microsoft Development Library.

Dr. GUI invites you to e-mail him a stumper question on any aspect of Internet- or Windows-based development. (But remember that Dr. GUI doesn't make house calls. He cannot provide an individual answer to your question. If your question is selected for this column, he'll send you a free T-shirt.) Send to:

If you still believe in musty, low-tech ways, you can use the postal address:

Microsoft Developer Network
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6399

Fax: (206) 936-7329, Attn: Developer Network

Hack City, Man!

Now that all those developer conferences are just happy memories (and fat file binders), Dr. GUI misses San Francisco—especially the best burgers on the planet at Hot 'n' Hunky Hamburgers. But he's been happy lately, since he's been doing what he loves best: hacking code.

Oddly enough, over the summer Dr. GUI didn't get a lot of Internet-related questions he wanted to answer. But there were a lot of intriguing queries on other topics. So in the interest of saving space, Dr. GUI's going to try shorter answers to more questions. Let us know whether you like it by sending e-mail to It'd help the good doctor out if you put "Short answers: Loved it" or "Short answers: HATED IT" in the subject line of your mail. That way he can use his way cool Exchange Inbox filter!

Questions in this issue:

Who Ya Gonna Call? Using DUMPBIN for DLL Requirements

Visual Basic Exchange

Tabs and Wizards

Ker-thunk! Linking 16-bit and 32-bit DLLs

How Long is That in Japanese? Determining String Sizes

Buddy, Can You Spare Some EN_CHANGE?

Who's Who at Microsoft? Reporting Bugs and Problems

Buried in Meaningless Links: Pitfalls of Automated Linking

Dr. GUI's Anti-Viral Pills

VB and Objects and Registries, OH MY!

Dr. GUI's New Toy Bag