Managing SQL Server Logins

To access a SQL Server, a user must use a valid login identification (login ID). A login ID is a unique name that identifies a user on a SQL Server. When assigning a login ID, you can also assign a password and a default language, select databases to permit access to, and assign a default database. Only a system administrator (SA) can manage login IDs.

This section presents the procedures you will use to manage SQL Server login IDs. For an understanding of how SQL Server login IDs function within SQL Server securityžand for descriptions of the login IDs installed with SQL Serveržsee Chapter 8, Security Concepts.

If the server is set up for integrated security, you may not need to create login IDs. If you have used Microsoft SQL Security Manager to map Windows NT users and groups to SQL Server users, you may not need to create more login IDs. For information about using SQL Security Manager, see Managing Access for Windows NT Groups and Users.

A login ID simply allows a user to log in to a SQL Server. To allow a user access to a database, you must add a username to the database. For more information, see Managing Database Users.

For information about managing login IDs, choose one of the following topics:

Accessing the Logins Dialog Box

Adding a Login ID to a Server

Modifying a Login ID

Dropping a Login ID from a Server

Summary of Login ID Information