The way in which you select part of the image depends upon the type of layer: raster or vector. For more information on data types, see About Raster and Vector Graphics. Paint Shop Pro contains selection tools that create raster (or pixel) selections as well as vector selection tools that select vector objects. For photographic images, use the raster selection tools.
Note: You can make an initial selection with one selection tool, and then switch to another selection tool to add to or subtract from the selection. For more information, see Modifying Selections, or Subtracting from a Selection.
The following selection tools create raster selections:
Selection tool
Makes a selection of a specific shape, such as a
rectangle, circle, or star. See Making
Selections with the Selection Tool.
Freehand Selection tool
Makes a selection of an irregular shape or around
the edges of an object, such as the petals of a flower or a child’s hand.
See Making Selections
with the Freehand Selection Tool.
Magic Wand tool Makes a selection based on a color, brightness,
or opacity. See Making
Selections with the Magic Wand Tool.
These selection tools are grouped together on the Tools toolbar, so one tool is displayed at a time. Click the down arrow to the right of the tool to see the other selection tools.
Although these selection tools create raster selections, you can use them on vector layers; they create raster selections from the vector objects. For example, if you copy the selection and paste it as a new image, the object is copied as individual pixels (rather than a vector object) onto a raster layer.
To select vector objects and vector text (without turning them into raster selections), use these tools:
Object Selection tool
Selects vector objects or vector text. See Selecting
Vector Objects.
Text tool Creates a selection in the shape of text. See Selecting
Converting a Selection into a Layer
Creating Custom Patterns from Selections