Main Window

There are nine main sections in the Portable Offline Browser window:

  1. Ribbon

  2. Quick Access Toolbar - contains most-frequently used buttons. You can add/remove buttons using the customize menu to the right of this toolbar.

  3. Application Button - click to show menu with Print/Options/Exit and other items.

  4. Projects/Map/Levels/Queue tabs

  5. Internal browser toolbar

  6. Projects tree

  7. Internal browser

  8. Connections Panel

  9. Status bar

Using Portable Offline Browser is very simple. There is a list of Projects, each describing a particular downloading task: which Web site to load, when to load it, how many files, which files, etc. The Projects can be classified by grouping them in Folders.

There are three general steps to using Portable Offline Browser:

  1. Create a new Project

  2. Download the Project

  3. View the results when download is finished

Portable Offline Browser allows you to post-process downloaded Web sites. Read more about Data Mining here.