PANCHQU= anchor persons interactively = No

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If your system is interactive, persons to be anchored can be entered interactively by setting PANCHQ=Y before the &END line. If you specify this, you will be asked if you want to anchor any persons. If you respond "yes", it will ask if you want to read these anchored persons from a file; if you answer "yes" it will ask for the file name and process that file in the same manner as if PAFILE= had been specified. If you answer "no", you will be asked to enter the sequence number of each person to be anchored, one at a time, along with the logit (or user-rescaled by UASCALE=, USCALE=) calibration. When you are finished, enter a zero.


Example: You are doing a number of analyses, anchoring a few, but different, persons each analysis. This time, you want to anchor person 4.


Enter on the DOS control line, or in the control file:


  CONVERGE=L  ; only logit change is used for convergence

  LCONV=0.005  ; logit change too small to appear on any report.


You want to anchor person 4:

  WINSTEPS asks you:


respond YES(Enter)


respond NO(Enter)


respond 4(Enter) (the first person to be anchored)


respond 1.45(Enter) (the first anchor value)

INPUT PERSON TO ANCHOR (0 TO END): 0(Enter) (to end anchoring)