Styling Hair with a Spline Emitter

Some hairstyles, particularly longer ones, lend themselves more naturally to spline interpolation than surface growth. Spline-based hair gives you explicit control inside 3ds Max over a finite set of guide hairs. When you create hair with a spline object as the growth source, Hair creates a guide from each spline in the object. It then uses these guides as cross-sections to create hair growth. Essentially, you're creating a three-dimensional “sheet” of hair in the shape of the spline cross-sections.

For success with spline-based hair, keep these important requirements in mind:

In this tutorial, you'll create two different spline objects, both comprising a number of Line splines, to create a woman's hairdo. The hairdo will have bangs in the front, with a flip on the sides and long, straight hair in the back.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

Skill level: Intermediate

Time to complete: 1 hour

Files for This Tutorial

All the files necessary for this tutorial are provided on the program disc in the \tutorials\hair directory. Before starting the tutorials, copy the \tutorials folder from the disc to your local program installation.

Lessons for This Tutorial

Generate the Hair

Working with Hair Presets