Animating the Biped with Freeform Animation
Biped Quickstart
Combining Motions with the Motion Mixer
Animating the Biped with Footsteps
Now that
you're familiar with freeform animation, you'll learn the basics
of footstep animation. Footstep animation only controls the placement
of the biped's feet. In this lesson, you'll create a footstep animation
where Dr. X walks for eight steps.
You can see what your animation should look
like by viewing the preview animation, drxwalk.avi,
in the tutorials\character_animation\quick_start folder.
up the lesson:
- Reload cs4_qs_drX03.max from
the tutorials\character_animation\quick_start folder.
This scene
contains Dr. X with Physique applied to the mesh, and all envelopes
adjusted. The mesh is ready for animation.
- Press
the H key and choose DoctorX from
the Select Object list, then click the Select button.
- In
the Perspective viewport, right-click the mesh and choose Hide Selection
from the quad menu.
Hiding the mesh makes it easier to select the
biped and test the animation. This is especially true if you have
a highly detailed mesh.
- Press
the H key again
and choose DrX Biped, the center of mass,
from the Select Object list, then click the Select button.
the footsteps:
Now you'll make Dr. X walk forward in a straight
the Motion panel. -
On the
Biped rollout, turn on Footstep Mode.Using the
rollouts that now display, you'll create footsteps for Dr. X.
On the
Footstep Creation rollout, click the Create Multiple Footsteps button.The Create
Multiple Footsteps: Walk dialog opens.
- In
the General group, increase the Number Of Footsteps to 8,
then click OK.
In the
Footstep Operations rollout, click Create Keys For Inactive Footsteps.
When the
footstep keys are created, Dr. X changes his pose.
in the Perspective viewport, and then click the Play Animation button.
You can also scrub the time slider to examine the animation more
By just
watching the biped walk, you can tell that Dr. X's walk doesn't
look right. You can see that the feet are too close together, and
his arms are straight down at his side. In addition, the shoes and
hands will collide or intersect with other body parts when the mesh
is displayed again. Next, you'll do some fine tuning to make Dr.
X's walk look better.
the animation:
In this part of the lesson, you'll make a few
adjustments to clean up the animation.
- If
you don't see footsteps outlined in front of Dr. X, do the following:
- On
the Biped rollout, click the gray expansion bar below the buttons.
Additional buttons appear.
In the
Display group, click the Show Footsteps And Numbers button.Note
If the
footsteps still fail to display, click the Show Footsteps And Numbers
button and hold until you see the button flyout. Choose the Show
Footsteps And Numbers button from the flyout.
- In
the Perspective viewport, zoom out, if necessary, to see all the footsteps.
Drag a selection window around all the footsteps. Be sure to include
the two footsteps under the biped's feet.
The footsteps
turn white after they're selected.
you're working in Footstep mode, only the footsteps can be selected,
so you can drag over the biped without fear of selecting other objects.
- On
the Footstep Operations rollout, turn off Length and increase the
Scale to 2.5.
The biped's
stance widens to more closely match how it looked in Figure mode.
However, now that the stance is wider, the hands will intersect
the legs when the mesh is unhidden. You'll fix that next.
the arms:
With the wider stance, the hands intersect the
legs as they swing past. Now you'll do a little freeform animation
to give the arms some clearance.
On the
Biped rollout, turn off Footstep mode.Now you
can rotate Dr. X's arms.
- Press
the H key and select DrX
Biped L Upperarm.
In the
Track Selection rollout, click the Symmetrical button.Notice
the keys in the time line. At each of the keys, you'll rotate the
on Auto Key and Key Mode Toggle, then click the right arrow on the
time slider.The time slider jumps to frame 30.
On the
main toolbar, click the Rotate button. - On
the Coordinate display, in the Y field, enter 12.
The arms
are rotated out away from the body.
TipSometimes the arms will rotate in parallel,
instead of in opposite directions. If this happens to you, select
and rotate each arm individually.
- Continue
clicking the right arrow on the time slider to jump to the next
key and repeat the same amount of rotation for each key on the time
Don't forget the key at frame 0.
off Auto Key to end the animation process. - Play
the animation.
the motion in a BIP file:
You can save the footstep motion for later use
in other scenes.
On the
Biped rollout, choose Save File.The Save
File dialog displays.
- Specify
a folder where you are storing your motion files, such as a new tutorials\character_animation\motions folder.
- Enter my_DrXWalk as
the file name, and click Save.
The footstep
motion is saved in the BIP file.
for playing or rendering:
Press the H key. In the Select From Scene
dialog, click Select All button, and then click Select. - Right-click
the biped and choose Hide Selection.
The biped
is now hidden.
- Right-click
again, and choose Unhide By Name from the quad menu.
The Unhide
Objects dialog displays.
- Select DoctorX from
the list and click Unhide.
Dr. X's
mesh is unhidden.
- Click
the mesh to select it.
- On
the Modify panel, make sure the MeshSmooth modifier is turned on
(the light bulb icon should be white).
the Perspective viewport and then click the Play Animation button.
- Save
the scene as my_drx03_footsteps.max.
You can
find a finished version of this scene in the file cs4_qs_drX03_footsteps.max.