Overview of Specifying Custom Properties for Dynamic Blocks
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In the Block Editor, you can specify properties for a parameter in a dynamic block definition. Some of these properties can be displayed as custom properties for the dynamic block reference when it is in a drawing. These properties are displayed under Custom in the Properties palette.

In the Block Editor, you can specify parameter labels. When you select the dynamic block reference in a drawing, these properties are shown under Custom in the Properties palette. It is good practice to specify unique parameter labels within the block.

Depending on the parameters used in the dynamic block definition, other parameter properties may be listed under Custom in the Properties palette when you select the dynamic block reference in a drawing. For example, a polar parameter has an angle property that displays in the Properties palette. Depending on how the dynamic block is defined, these properties might display values such as size, angle, and position for a selected block reference.

You can specify whether or not these custom properties are displayed for the block reference when it is selected in a drawing. These properties can also be extracted using the Attribute Extraction wizard.

You can also use the Properties palette to specify the geometric properties (such as color, linetype, and lineweight) of a parameter. These properties are listed in the Properties Palette under Geometry when you select a parameter in the Block Editor.

Other parameter properties, such as Value Set properties and Chain Actions, define how the block reference will function in a drawing.

In the Block Editor, you can also specify if the block can be exploded and if the block can be non-uniformly scaled.

See Also