Video File and Post-Production Options

Camtasia Studio > Produce and Share button > Custom production settings > Step through the Production Wizard screens > Produce Video screen.

Click the Finish button to begin rendering the video. This process produces the audio, video, and image clips into a video based on the sequence on the Timeline.

Continue with Production Results.

Option Description
Production Name Enter the production name. This is the name of the video.

Choose a folder location for the produced video files.

Organize produced files into sub-folders

Check this option to organize each produced video into its own folder.

This is used in conjunction with the "produce separate files at markers" production option.

Show production results After rendering the video, view a summary of the file location, output files created, and the settings used for production.
Play video after production Plays the produced video in a Preview Window for review.
Upload by FTP

Upload the produced video files by FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

FTP allows you to transfer your files between your local computer and a server over the Internet.