Painting the Garage with VertexPaint

Now you will explore the vertex paint modifier tools.

Set up the tutorial:

Blur the shadows:

  1. Navigate the viewport to explore the scene. Use the Zoom and Pan tools to see what the interior of the garage looks like.
  2. Use Arc Rotate to look at the skylights and fluorescent fixtures. Look up at the ceiling from the center of the room. You may notice the lighting information around the skylight is a bit coarse.

    Problems on the ceiling

    It's easy to smooth this out using the blur command.

  3. Right-click the Perspective viewport label and choose Edged Faces.
  4. Press the H key on the keyboard and select the GARAGE_WALLS object from the list.

    Next you’ll select the faces that need work.

  5. On the Parameters rollout in the Selection group, turn on Ignore Backfacing, then click the Face Selection button.
  6. On the toolbar, turn on Window selection, then drag a selection rectangle around one of the skylight areas.

    You can use Soft selection for the blur operation since you want to make sure the blur happens smoothly.

  7. On the Parameters rollout, click the Soft Selection button, then in the Soft Selection dialog, turn on Use Soft Selection.

    Use Soft Selection

  8. To blur the selected area, click the Blur All button.

    The lighting is smoothed out in the ceiling.

    Blur applied to ceiling faces

    If you like, you can repeat the blurring procedure on the roof areas surrounding the other two skylights.

  9. Choose File > Save As to save your file. Use the plus button to save to an incrementally named scene.

Paint additional layers:

You can add as many layers as you want. Each layer is applied as another VertexPaint modifier in the stack. These layers can be adjusted or animated individually.

  1. On the vertex paintbox, click New Layer. Accept the default setting in the dialog that appears, then click OK.

    A second modifier is added to the stack.

  2. Navigate the viewport so you can see the floor of the garage.
  3. Click the color swatch next to the Pick Color From Object (eyedropper) button, then choose a bright yellow from the color selector.
  4. Click the Paint button, then move your cursor over the garage floor and paint.

    Painting a second layer

    This paint layer is very versatile. In the next few steps, you'll see some of the adjustments you can make to this layer.

  5. Change the opacity of the Layer by dragging the opacity slider to the left.
  6. Change the Mode. Click the drop-down arrow and choose Color Dodge, then set the opacity back to 100.

    This creates the effect of a washed out spot on the floor.

    You can use the Adjust Color command to change the Hue, Saturation or Value.

  7. Change the mode from Color Dodge back to Normal and change the opacity to 39.
  8. Click the Adjust Color button. In the Adjust Color dialog, drag the hue slider to change the color. Click Apply.

  9. Drag the Saturation slider to the left to produce a more subtle effect. Click Apply, then click OK to close the Adjust Color dialog.

  10. Save you work using File > Save As. Use the plus button to increment the name to mygarage_vertexcolor02.max.


Animating Vertex Paint Layer Opacity