SCOREFILE= person score file

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If SCOREFILE=filename is specified, a file is output which contains the measure and model standard error corresponding to every possible score on a test consisting of all the non-extreme  items.


If you want the score file for person measures including the extreme (zero, perfect) items, then

1. Run a standard analysis.

2. Output: IFILE=if.txt SFILE=sf.txt

3. Run the analysis again, with Extra specifications: IAFILE=if.txt SAFILE=sf.txt

4. The person measures will have altered somewhat to adjust for the imputed difficulties of the extreme items.

5. Output Table 20 and SCOREFILE=


SCOREFILE=? opens a Browse window


This is also shown in Table 20. It has 3 heading lines (unless HLINES=N), and has the format:




;Apr 28 22:37 2005  UMEAN=.000  USCALE=1.000



     0  -5.2891  1.4230    .49   -76  125       0    .0       0    .0        0


    58   1.8144   .3351   8.90   546   29      15   2.9     363  71.2       70

    59   1.9303   .3461   8.35   556   30      20   3.9     383  75.1       73

    60   2.0544   .3588   7.77   567   31      21   4.1     404  79.2       77


    70   5.3232  1.4245    .49   853  125       3    .6     510 100.0       99


1. SCORE: Score on test of all items

The score file shows integer raw scores, unless there are decimal weights for IWEIGHT=. In which case, scores to 1 decimal place are shown. To obtain other decimal raw scores for short tests, go to the Graphs pull-down menu. Select "Test Characteristic Curve". This displays the score-to-measure ogive. Click on "Copy data to clipboard". Open Excel. Paste. There will be to three columns. The second column is the measure, the third column is the raw score.


2. MEASURE: Measure (user-scaled by USCALE=)

If this value is not the same as in PFILE=

1. Missing data. The measure in the PFILE= is based on the responses observed. The measure in the SCOREFILE= is based on all the items.

2. Convergence criteria. The convergence criteria: CONVERGE=, LCONV=, RCONV= are not tight enough for your data. Please try setting LCONV= and RCONV= to smaller values.


3. S.E.: Standard error (user scaled by USCALE=) - model, because empirical future misfit is unknown.

4. INFO: Statistical information in measure (=1/Logit S.E.²)


Measures locally-rescaled, so that sample mean=500, sample S.D.=100

5. NORMED: Measure (rescaled)

6. S.E.: Standard error (rescaled)


Sample distribution:

7. FREQUENCY: Count of sample at this measure

8. %: Percent of sample at this measure

9. CUM.FREQ.: Count of sample at or below this measure

10. %: Percent of sample at or below this measure

11. PERCENTILE: Percentile of this sample lower than the current measure (range is 0-99).


If CSV=Y, these values are separated by commas. When CSV=T, the commas are replaced by tab characters.


Example 1: You wish to write a file on disk called "MYDATA.SCF.txt" containing a score-to-measure table for the complete test.



Example 2: You want a score-to-measure file for items with known difficulties.

   ITEM1=1  ; start of response string

   NI=10   ; number of items

   CODES=01  ; valid item codes


   ; known item difficulties here

   1 0.53



   ; known structure "step" calibrations here, if rating scale or partial credit items


   SCOREFILE=sm.txt  ; the score-to-measure file - also see Table 20



   0101010101  ; two dummy data records

   1010101010  ; give every item a non-extreme score