21551 Ater OML Broken Alarm


This alarm is generated when the OML between the GEPS/GMPS and the GTCS is disconnected.


Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
21551 Critical Fault


ID Name Meaning
1 Index No.

Number of the Ater OML

2 Subrack No.

Number of the subrack where the board is located

3 Slot No.

Number of the slot where the board is located

4 Number of the E1/T1 port

Number of the E1/T1 port

5 Alarm Attribute

0=Normal, Alarms period are longer than the Transient Threshold.

1=Transient Count, The times and the period of the alarms whose periods are shorter than the Transient Threshold are summed up. If the sum result is longer than the Alarm Occurrence Period Threshold or Alarm Occurrence Times Threshold, an alarm so called Transient Count Alarm is triggered. Because Transient Count Alarm is based on accumulative result, the recovery of the alarm may occur at least one Summing Cycle later. The Summing Cycle can be query by MML "LST STATSLDWIN".

Impact on the System

When the OML on the Ater interface is disconnected, the results are as follows: The GTCS is not available for use. The configuration messages cannot be delivered to the GTCS. The GTCS status cannot be queried. The GTCS cannot be maintained. If other transmission links are normal while the OML is disconnected, the services are not affected.

System Actions

In 1+1 backup mode, when the OML is disconnected, the system automatically checks whether the disconnected link is the primary link. If the primary link is disconnected, the system automatically switches to the secondary link. If the secondary link is disconnected, the alarm is not handled.

Possible Causes

  • The boards in the GTCS on the Ater interface are reset or faulty.
  • The physical line carrying the OML on the Ater interface is faulty.


  1. Check the parent alarms.
    1. Log in to the LMT. Then, choose Alarm Maintenance > Browse Alarm to check whether any of the following parent alarms is reported.

      20081 Loss of E1/T1 Signals (LOS)

      20084 E1/T1 Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)

      20083 Remote E1/T1 Alarm (RAI)

      20221 Loss of Clock on the Optical Port (RLOC)

      20222 Loss of Signals on the Optical Port (RLOS)

      20223 Loss of Received Signal Frames on the Optical Port (RLOF)

      20224 Out-of-Synchronization of Received Signal Frames on the Optical Port (ROOF)

      20226 Regenerator Section Signal Failure (RSF)

      20227 Regenerator Section Signal Deteriorated (RSD)

      20228 Multiplex Section Alarm Indication Signal (MAIS)

      20229 Multiplex Section Remote Defect Indication (MRDI)

      20230 Loopback on the Optical Port

      20231 Administration Unit Alarm Indication Signal (AUAIS)

      20232 Loss of Administration Unit Pointer (AULOP)

      20233 Service Unequipped on the High-Order Path of the Optical Port (HPUNEQ)

      20235 High-Order Path Signal Label Byte Mismatch (HPSLM)

      20236 High-Order Path Signal Failure (HPSF)

      20237 High-Order Path Signal Deteriorated (HPSD)

      20238 Remote Defect Indication on the High-Order Path of the Optical Port (HPRDI)

      20239 Loss of Tributary Unit Multi-frames (TULOM)

      20240 Tributary Unit Alarm Indication Signal (TUAIS)

      20241 Loss of Tributary Unit Pointer (TULOP)

      20242 Service Unequipped on the Lower-Order Path of the Optical Port (LPUNEQ)

      20244 Signal Flag Mismatch on the Low-Order Path of the Optical Port (LPSLM)

      20245 Low-Order Path Remote Failure Indicaton (LPRFI)

      20246 Low-Order Path Remote Defect Indication (LPRDI)

      20247 Tributary Unit Type Mismatch (TUSIZEERR)

      20248 Loss of Tributary Signals (LOS)

      20249 Tributary Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)

      20250 Loss of Tributary Frames (LOF)

      20251 Remote Alarm Indication over the Tributary (RAI)

      20254 Tributary Loopback Alarm

      20255 Optical Module Fault

    2. If any of these alarms is reported, rectify the fault according to the alarm help. Then, check whether the alarm is cleared.

      Y => The alarm handling is complete.

      N => Go to 2.

  2. Check whether the connector of the physical line connected to the GMPS/GEPS is loose.

    Y => Tighten the connector. The alarm handling is complete.

    N => The connector is normal. Go to 3.

  3. Check whether the physical line connected to the GMPS/GEPS is faulty.

    Y => Replace the physical line. The alarm handling is complete.

    N => The physical line is normal. Go to 4.

  4. Check whether the boards in the GMPS/GEPS work normally.

    Y => Go to 5.

    N => Replace the boards. The alarm handling is complete.

  5. Check whether the connector of the physical line connected to the GTCS is loose.

    Y => Tighten the connector. The alarm handling is complete.

    N => The connector is normal. Go to 6.

  6. Check whether the physical line connected to the GTCS is faulty.

    Y => Replace the physical line. The alarm handling is complete.

    N => The physical line is normal. Go to 7.

  7. Check whether the boards in the GTCS work normally.

    Y => Go to 8.

    N => Replace the boards. The alarm handling is complete.

  8. Check whether the connectors of the Ater OML between the GMPS/GEPS and the GTCS connected to the DDF are loose.

    Y => Tighten the connectors. The alarm handling is complete.

    N => The connectors are normal. Go to 9.

  9. Contact the maintenance personnel of the transmission network to check whether the transmission network is faulty.

    Y => Request the maintenance personnel to solve the problem. The alarm handling is complete.

    N => Contact Huawei Customer Service Center.

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