Graph window

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If you don't see all this on your screen, you may have your screen resolution set to 800 x 600 pixels. Try setting it to 1024 x 768. Windows "Start", "Settings", "Control Panel", "Display", "Settings", Move "Screen resolution" slider to the right.


Button or Slider


Right-hand side:

Adjust maximum Y-value

Sets the maximum value on the vertical Y-axis

Copy Plot to Clipboard

Copies the graph to the Windows clipboard. This only copies the part of the plot that is visible on your screen. Maximize the chart window and increase your screen resolution if the entire plot is not visible. To increase screen resolution: Windows "Start", "Settings", "Control Panel", "Display", "Settings" and move the "Screen resolution" slider to the right. Open a graphics program, such as Paint, and paste in the image for editing.

Copy Data to Clipboard

Copies the graphed numbers to the Windows clipboard (for pasting into Excel, etc.) Use paste special to paste as a picture meta-file, bitmap or as a text listing of the data points.

Each row corresponds to a set of points to plot:

Column A - ignore

Column B - x-axis for point on first curve

Column C - y-axis for point on first curve

Column D - x-axis for point on second curve

Column E - y-axis for point on second curve



Column B (x-axis) against Column C (y-axis)

Column D (x-axis) against Column E (y-axis)


Next Curve

Displays the same graph for the item with the next higher entry number.

Select Curves

Displays the graph for the selected item from the curve-selection-box:

Previous Curve

Displays the same graph for the item with the next lower entry number.

Probability Cat. Curves

Displays the Rasch-model probability-curve for each response-category

Non-Uniform DIF

Displays the Rasch-model curve for the item and the empirical DIF curves for the DIF classifications groups when "Non-uniform DIF" is clicked on the Graphs Menu,

Prob+Empirical Cat. Curves

Displays the Rasch-model probability-curve for each response-category, together with the empirical curve summarizing the data in each empirical interval.

Empirical Cat. Curves

Displays the empirical curve for each response-category, summarizing the data in each empirical interval

Prob+Empircal Option Curves

Displays the Rasch-model probability-curve for each response-option, together with the empirical curve summarizing the data in each empirical interval.

Empirical Option-Curves

Displays the empirical curve for each response-option, summarizing the data in each empirical interval

Expected Score ICC

Displays the expected-score item characteristic curve, the item's Rasch-model logistic ogive.

Empirical Randomness

Displays the fit of the item,  summarizing the data in each empirical interval

Exp+Empirical ICC

Displays the expected-score item characteristic curve, the item's Rasch-model logistic ogive, together with the empirical ICC summarizing the data in each empirical interval.

Empirical ICC

Displays the item's empirical item characteristic curve, summarizing the data in each empirical interval.

Cumulative Probabilities

Displays the Rasch-model cumulative probability-curve for each response-category and the categories below it.

Conditional Probabilities

Displays the Rasch-model probability-curve for the relative probability of each adjacent pair of categories. These are dichotomous ogives.

Item Information

Displays the item-information function according to the Rasch model.

Category Information

Displays the information function for each category according to the Rasch model.

Multiple Item ICCs

Displays multiple Rasch-model and empirical item characteristic curves as selected in the ICC-selection box.

Test Randomness

Displays the fit of all the items in the test,  summarizing the data in each empirical interval

Test CC

Displays the Rasch-model test characteristic curve, showing the relationship between raw scores and Rasch measures on the complete test of all active items.

Test Information

Displays the test-information function according to the Rasch model. The inverse square-root of the test information is the standard error of the Rasch person measure.

Click on line for description

Click on a curve to show its description below the graph. You can identify an individual traceline by single-left-clicking on it. Its description will then appear below the plot. Click elsewhere on the plot to remove the selection indicators.

Double-click to erase line

You can remove a traceline by double-left-clicking on it. Click on the command button, e.g., "Probability Curves", to return the plot to its initial appearance.

Display Legend

Hide Legend

Click on "Display legend" to show descriptions of all the curves below the graph.

Click on "Hide legend" to remove the descriptions.

Absolute x-axis

Relative x-axis

Click on "Absolute x-axis" to show the graphs with measures on the latent variable along the x-axis.

Click on "Relative x-axis" to show the graphs with the x-axis plotted relative to the item difficulty.

Flip Curves Vertically

Reverses the cumulative probability curves on the y-axis

Points, Lines, None, Both

Click on this button to show the empirical curves as both points("x") and lines, points only, lines only, and neither points nor lines.

Adjust minimum Y-value

Sets the minimum value on the vertical Y-axis


Controls the degrees of smoothing of the empirical curve

Set Color

Click on a curve to select it, the click on "Set Color" to change its color using the color-selection-box. White makes the line disappear.


Click on Help to display this page.

Across the bottom: left to right

Adjust Y-axis divisions

Sets the number of tick-marks on the Y-axis

Adjust minimum X-value

Sets the minimum value on the horizontal X-axis

Adjust X-axis divisions

Sets the number of tick-marks on the X-axis

Empirical interval

Sets the number of empirical summary-intervals on the X-axis

Adjust maximum X-value

Sets the maximum value on the horizontal X-axis


Curve selection Box

This box displays the item entry numbers and labels. Click on the item which you want displayed.

ICC Selection Box

To select the curves: click on the cells and they will turn green to indicate which curves are selected for display.

Then click OK to display the curves.

Color Selection Box

Click on desired color, and the OK