Make a Timeline Selection

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Timeline In-Depth

Timeline In-Depth

Editing In-Depth

Editing: In-Depth Video

Make a selection on the timeline to:

The playhead consists of three parts: the green in point, the red out point, and the gray playhead. Drag the in and out points along the timeline to make a selection. Double-click any part of the playhead to bring the in and out points together again.

To Make a Selection

  1. Click a location on the timeline.
  2. Click and drag the In or Out points to make the selection. Drag the zoom slider to get a better view of the timeline, if necessary. The selected area is highlighted in blue.
  3. Perform the desired edits.

To Select More than One Media on the Timeline

Press theShift key on the keyboard and click on each media.


Click and drag the cursor on the timeline capturing all the media.

See also