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Timeline In-Depth

Timeline In-Depth

Editing In-Depth

Editing: In-Depth Video

Use the timeline to assemble and edit the video. The timeline represents the sequence of all video clips and other media (callouts, markers, zoom animations, etc.) that will be included in a video.

Timeline toolbar Access basic editing options such as split, cut, copy, paste, zoom in, and zoom out.
Time / Duration

Tick marks represent time in terms of minutes and seconds. A video is built sequentially through time moving from left to right.

  • The scale of the tick marks on the ruler change according to the timeline zoom level.
  • To change the zoom level, drag the zoom slider and drag in either direction.

Indicates the current frame selected on the timeline. The current frame displays in the Preview Window.

  • Drag the green In point or red Out point to make a selection.
  • Double-click any part of the playhead to bring the points together again.
Timeline Selection

Make a selection with the playhead to:

  • Cut an unwanted portion of the video.
  • Produce a specific area as a separate video.
  • Save a sequence as a Library asset.
  • Copy and paste a section to another location on the timeline.

Add media to a group to help keep the timeline organized, to resize or move all media at one time, or to copy and paste frequently used sequences.

  • Groups contain their own timeline tracks for editing. You need not ungroup to edit tracks in a group.
  • Groups can contain an unlimited number of media or tracks.
  • Drag media in or out of a group.
  • Groups can be renamed.
  • Click the plus/minus icon to open or close a group.
Timeline Context Menus

Right-click on the timeline tracks or the track names to view track options.

The position of the playhead and the content on the timeline determine the options available in the context menu.


Snapping guidelines allow media on the timeline to be perfectly aligned with each other.

  • When moving media, each time the beginning or end of one media aligns with another, a snapping line appears.
  • To change the snapping settings, choose View > Timeline Snapping. Check or uncheck the media to snap to options.
  • To temporarily override snapping while moving media, press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard.
  • Snapping is also available on the canvas to help align media.


Transitions add a visual effect between the end of a clip and the beginning of the next clip.

Use transitions to indicate the passage of time, change in location, to call attention, or to create a smooth flow between clips.

Open / Close Media

Groups and media with animations can be opened for editing then closed again.


Animations include cursor effects, visual properties effects, and zoom and pan effects.

  • Click on the tray below the media to open the view for editing cursor and clip speed effects.
  • Double-click an animation on the timeline to open the Visual Properties tab for editing.

Media Context Menus

Right-click on media, a group, a quiz, a marker, etc to view the editing options for that media.

The position of the playhead and the media on the timeline determine the options available in the context menu.


Audio appears on the timeline as a waveform.

Camtasia Recording files (TREC, CAMREC (Camtasia Studio version 8.3 and earlier), with audio appear on the timeline as one media. The audio can be separated from the video.

Add audio fades, points for precision editing, remove noise from audio, and more.


Tracks represent the sequence of media on the timeline both horizontally and vertically.

  • Everything that appears at one point in time vertically appears at the same time in the video.
  • Tracks can be renamed.
  • Tracks can be locked to prevent editing or other changes to the media on that track.
  • Tracks can be turned off or on. Turn a track off to prevent media from appearing in the canvas, preview, or the final video.
  • Quickly remove unused tracks.
  • Only media on a timeline track is rendered into the final video.
  • An unlimited number of tracks can be added to the timeline.
Hide / Show Quiz or Marker View

Hide or show the quiz or marker view.

When a quiz or marker is added to the timeline, the quiz or marker view automatically opens at the top of the timeline.

  • When the quiz/marker view is open, you are in a mode that allows you to add other quizzes or markers.
  • A quiz/marker can be added to the timeline, media, or a group. When added to media or a group, if the media/group is moved, deleted, copied, or pasted, the quiz/marker goes with it.
  • You must be in quiz or marker view to edit or view this media.

Timeline Toolbar


Zoom in on the timeline.

Zoom out on the timeline.

Fully zoomed out shows the entire timeline. To change the zoom level, click the zoom icons or grab the zoom slider and drag in either direction.


Cut Selection

Cut a selection from the timeline. The cut portion can be pasted on the timeline.


Split a clip into two parts at the position of the playhead.



Copy the selection or media to the Clipboard.



Paste the contents of the Clipboard onto the timeline.



Undo the last action in the succession. This is an unlimited undo feature.



Redo the last action in succession. This is an unlimited redo feature.