Produce Audio Only (MP3)

To Produce an Audio Only MP3

  1. Make all edits to your video.
  2. Click Produce and Share.
  3. The Production Wizard appears. Select Custom production settings from the dropdown. Click Next.
  4. Select the MP3-audio only option. Click Next.
  5. Select the MP3 Encoding Options (see descriptions below). Click Next.
  6. On the Produce Video screen, enter a video name and choose the post production and upload options.
  7. Click Finish. The video begins rendering.
  8. Once production is completed, the Production Results screen appears. Click Finish to exit the Production Wizard.
Click the Preview button at any time in the Production Wizard to produce a 30 second sample of your video using the current settings.

MP3 Encoding Options

Option Description
Options Opens the Project Properties dialog box to enter author and copyright information.
Audio encoding bitrate Select the data transfer rate for the audio encoding.

See also