Produce an Animated File (GIF)

To Produce an Animated GIF File

  1. Make all edits to your video.
  2. Click Produce and Share.
  3. The Production Wizard appears. Select Custom production settings from the dropdown. Click Next.
  4. Select the GIF-animation file option. Click Next.
  5. Select the Animated GIF Encoding Options (see descriptions below). Click Next.
  6. Select the dimensions and options to reduce file size on the Video Size screen. Click Next.
  7. Select the Video Options. Click Next.
  8. If you have markers on the timeline, customize the table of contents or choose to create multiple videos based on the markers. Click Next.
  9. On the Produce Video screen, enter a video name and choose the post production and upload options.
  10. Click Finish. The video begins rendering.
  11. Once production is completed, the Production Results screen appears. Click Finish to exit the Production Wizard.
Click the Preview button at any time in the Production Wizard to produce a 30 second sample of your video using the current settings.

Animated GIF Encoding Options

Option Description

Select Automatic to preserve the highest color setting for clips on the Timeline.

To decrease the file size, select a lower color depth.

Frame rate

Select Automatic to preserve the highest frame rate for clips on the Timeline.

To decrease the file size, select a lower frame rate.

Loop indefinitely Continuously play the video.
Play Enable to enter the number of times to loop the video.
Optimized palette Uses all colors in all frames in the GIF file. Produces a better quality GIF file than a fixed palette.
Include windows colors Include the standard Windows 20 colors in the GIF file palette.
Dithered color reduction Dithering attempts to smooth the effects of color reduction. Select this option for real-world video content rather than for screen recordings.
Details Displays the audio and video options selected.

See also