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Create Library Media to use in Camtasia Studio PDF
Create Engaging Screencasts PDF
You can add the following file formats to the Library:
Camtasia Studio does not support multiple tracks in an MOV. Camtasia Studio imports one video and one audio track from an MOV file.
Only SWF files created with Jing or a previous version of Camtasia Studio can be imported.
You can also add the following timeline media to the Library:
To add an asset to the video, drag it from the Library onto the timeline or right-click on an asset and select Add to Timeline.
The asset appears in the Library.
When assets are added to the Library, they are added as a copy of the asset file or as a link to the asset file.
To select a default method for adding assets, choose Tools > Options > Program tab > Library content group box.
Each option is explained below.
Deleting Library assets can break other projects using those assets. Also, moving or deleting files that have been imported into the Library can break your Camtasia Studio projects. Before moving or deleting any files, open your video projects and export them as a Camtasia Studio zipped project file.
Be sure to select the Include all files from the Clip Bin in zip option. This creates a self-contained project with backed up Clip Bin files.
This option places a copy of all assets into the Library. Since copied assets increase the file size of Camtasia Studio projects, it is best to only copy assets used from project to project into the Library. Use the Clip Bin to hold the media files only needed for the current project.
When adding a timeline selection or group (also called timeline sequence) to the Library as a copied asset, if there is a video portion in the sequence, the entire video is added as a copy – not just the selected portion. Since this can increase the file size of your of Camtasia Studio projects, it is recommended that timeline selections be added to the Library as links, not copies.
This option links to the original asset file on a hard drive or network location. Since moving the asset from its original location breaks projects that link to those files, it is recommended that assets be placed in a location where they will not be moved or accidentally deleted.
To change a linked asset into a copied asset, right-click the asset in the Library and select Properties from the context menu then click Copy to Library.
The Clean Up Library option removes any broken links, rebuilds the Library indexes, and updates your folders.
If you frequently add, delete, and move assets within the Library, it is good to perform this routine maintenance on a regular basis. See Clean Up Library for more information.